Deep Time Agency works at the threshold of the fields of fine art, commissioned art in public space, archaeology, paleontology, academia, heritage and education. We exhibit in group- and solo exhibitions and give workshops, presentations and lectures in a large variety of contexts (art academies, universities, industry, museums, archives).

Previous and future project partners include Mediamatic Amsterdam, NL (2025-26), University College Cork, IR (2025-26), het Archief Rotterdam, NL (2025), Odapark Venray, NL (2022-26), Gaada Shetland, UK (2023-2026), Museum het Nieuwe Domein (2024-25), U10 Art Space Belgrade, RS (2024), DELPHI Art Space Freiburg im Breisgau, DE (2024), Art Quarter Budapest, HU (2024), Balatorium, HU (2023), Nieuw Dakota Amsterdam, NL (2022), Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, NL (2022), Museum Bommel van Dam  Venlo, NL (2022),  LVR Kulturkonferenz Nordhein-Westphalen (2022), Maastricht Institute of Fine Arts and Design (2022-2025), Natural History Museum Maastricht (2022).

For questions, collaborations, teaching and workshops please contact us via email.


︎ deeptimeagency@gmail.com

Operating from Kongsberg (NO) and Berlin (DE)


© Deep Time Agency, 2025
 Contact: deeptimeagency@gmail.com